KSANv2 - Sode Jetways did not uninstall (solved)
Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 4:19 am
Hello, I recently uninstalled KSANv2 by deleting all the files. I then installed Orbx's KSAN to test out and I am having the issue of the KSAN sode jetways still showing. That is the only this showing from the LatinVFR scenery which is uninstalled and all files deleted.
Any idea of why just the jetways are still showing up? (The reason I am posting this here is because I used the the LatinVFR sode installer for KSANv2.)
Any idea of why just the jetways are still showing up? (The reason I am posting this here is because I used the the LatinVFR sode installer for KSANv2.)