non-PBR version for KMIA v5 for P3DV4
Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 1:13 pm
Is there a possibility of making a non-PBR version of the KMIA v5, P3Dv4 scenery available as well, just like it is for P3Dv5? Would be greatly appreciated as the scenery's performance on my sim, despite disable everything in the configurator isn't that great on my system.
Thank You,
Swapnil Sirdeshpande.
Is there a possibility of making a non-PBR version of the KMIA v5, P3Dv4 scenery available as well, just like it is for P3Dv5? Would be greatly appreciated as the scenery's performance on my sim, despite disable everything in the configurator isn't that great on my system.
Thank You,
Swapnil Sirdeshpande.