I purchased LatinVFR New Orleans from Simmarket an hour ago. I cannot figure out how to install it. I have installed dozens of addon's for MSFS, they were no trouble. This one is.
1 I bought New Orleans KMSY MSFS AT SIMMARKET.
2 Yes simmarket shows the registration key, that is not the issue.
3 SIMMARKET provided me a link for the product download which was contrailsetup.exe.
4 I installed Contrails.
5 the Contrails app said "purchased made on other shops, like simmarket, can be activated by number. Navigate to the product page. Click on 'activate' and enter your serial number.
What product page am I supposed to navigate to? the product page at contrails, or at simmarket, or at latinvfr???
I do not see anything to click on that says 'activate' on any of those 3 sites or their apps.
I therefore cannot install New Orleans KMSY MSFS.
Given the way I purchased, how do I install this airport?
Please give a detailed response, thank you
I do not want to have Paypal cancel the purchase, I want to use your nice airport.
Thank you ACRATONE.