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Performance Issues at KBWI on Return Segment

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:27 pm
by SLR01
I'm not sure if this is a MSFS/Asobo issue or possibly something with the KBWI scenery. I just did a quick turnaround flight from KBWI to KSYR and back. The sim was smooth until I was on approach to 28 at KBWI on my return flight. My fps started to drop into the teens/single digits as I got closer to the airport and the sim began to stutter. This is the second time this has happened when starting a flight at KBWI and then returning to KBWI without restarting the sim.

Re: Performance Issues at KBWI on Return Segment

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:33 pm
by SLR01
I want to add that I do multi turnaround flights to various airports including some other LVFR sceneries and haven't had this issue.

Re: Performance Issues at KBWI on Return Segment

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 5:44 pm
by Ian_LVFR
I will test this. Strange that it drops on return.


I have just tested and the performance on my system is comparable to other pay ware offerings. Could be a another issue but will look again when we do the next update.

Re: Performance Issues at KBWI on Return Segment

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:27 pm
by SLR01
Hello. I just had this issue happen again, but this time at your KMIA scenery after doing at KMIA-TNCA turn. I noticed while I was on approach to 26L, there was a very bright light that was being emitted by an aircraft on the ground just off of runway 30. I noticed the same thing at KBWI the second time the problem occurred there, but I didn't investigate it after landing. My performance started to drop as I got closer to the airport and was flirting with single digits as I landed (just like the two previous times at KBWI). It was so bad that I decided to use the autoland feature. After landing, I used the drone camera to find out what was causing the bright light and as I got closer, I realized there were about 10-15 aircraft stacked on top of each other. I use FSLTL as my AI traffic manager and after closing the program, the planes that were parked at the gate disappeared, but the 10-15 aircraft stacked on top of each other remained. I ended the flight and went back to the main menu. I then started a new flight at KMIA and the 10-15 AI aircraft that were there were now gone and my FPS returned to normal. After doing some research, apparently other people have had the same problem when returning back to an airport they originally started at, and it appears to be an issue with Asobo. It doesn't happen all the time and so far, I've only experienced it at your KBWI and KMIA sceneries. I don't know if it's just coincidence, but I wanted to pass this information along. Thanks!