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Bouncing during cruise

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 11:22 am
by Doutorfunga

I have purchased your a340 in MSFS Xbox, which I have used for a bunch of ~1/2 hour flights with no issues. Yesterday I attempted a longer flight (and added more fuel to the tanks, in MSFS's menu) but the airplane wouldn't hold a flight level!
With AP and A-THR on, the plane would use 93% power and begin a +500fpm climb and then an even harsher descent. With selected altitude at 39000 the plane would oscillate more and more (36000 to 40000, then to 42000) until I turned off AP and A-THR and managed my attitude and throttle manually. As soon as I turned them on again the bouncing started once more.
Important detail: I turned up the Sim Rate to 8x.
Any idea of why that happens and how can the behaviour be fixed? Thanks for your attention!