No gates at FLL for MSFS after update

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No gates at FLL for MSFS after update

Post by timster73 » Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:00 pm

I have no gates at FLL. I've tried several times and this is what it looks like. I updated to the last update you put out. I've never seen any gates since I got it. I just got it to appear once then most other times the gates don't appear at all. It's totally crazy. It's been like this ever since the last asobo update for MSFS. You guys need to update again because it's not working right at all. I live in Orlando and I think you guys need to wait until asobo updates and then release an update afterwards because it's not guaranteed it will work until they release the update so you can test to see if it works. I can't figure out how to send an image on this but there's no gates. If there's an email I can send the image there.

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Re: No gates at FLL for MSFS after update

Post by RicardoLVFR » Tue Sep 07, 2021 12:27 pm

Hi, there is a current problem with ALL custom jetways. Microsoft/Asobo is aware and they have it on their update list whenever they release SU6. Which will address this problem. Our apologies.
Ricardo Morillo
Managing Director/Owner

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